
How Did You Beat Writer’s Block?

How can one beat writer’s block? Have you had writer’s block before or are you still struggling with it?

I am severely blocked from writing everything I have ever known how to write.

They say when you know you have a problem, you are one step closer to finding a solution to it. But I am nowhere close to overcoming my writer’s block.

Even though I had written a post on How To Overcome Writer’s Block, I can’t seem to help myself and the post isn’t helping me either. Because whenever I read it, it doesn’t feel like I wrote it.

I mean I can’t connect the person who wrote that post to the person I am now since I can hardly write anything.

A few days ago a pretty nice woman contacted me on Facebook after reading one of my poems “A New Beginning” I wrote about 10 years ago online.

She had a hard time getting me, then later found my Facebook page instead and sent me a message.

The woman was so excited to finally connect with the person who wrote the poem, “A New Beginning”.

After that, I started going through some of my poems online hoping they would spark something. Nothing happened except to establish that it’s hard to believe I wrote them all.

I mean how can I go from someone who created all that to this person who can’t string words together?

What happened to me?

How Did You Beat Writer's Block?

My writer’s block started about five years ago. I kept hoping it would pass, forcing myself to write. I even took some breaks from writing. But nothing seems to be working.

I just can’t beat it.

It’s as if the part of me that writes vanished or went into extinction.

At first, it was the ability to write poems. I used to be able to write poems effortlessly. When I couldn’t put two lines together I turned to prose.

That’s gone too. I can barely make a quote. Now, I’m here babbling, ranting or maybe I’m vexing.

Have you ever been through this? How did you beat writer’s block then? Did you get over it? Were you able to get your writing mojo back?

It’s been five years and I’m afraid it might never come back. It’s 6years since I published my Novelette and Anthology.

I should have one or two complete manuscripts by now. But the database is empty! It’s obvious I need help. Any suggestions? Leave your response below

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