
Why You Need to Write

Do you ever wonder why you need to write or if you should start at all? Then this is for you.

When I started my blog on Wordpress free blog in 2012, I just wanted to write. I needed to express myself and I wanted a way to do that, so blogging unlocked that door for me.

Then I realised that was not all. I needed a way to say all I had to say without necessarily getting a response.

I just wanted to express myself without judgement, counsel, sermon, pity or sympathy.

I wanted to be free.

I had just gone through a life and body-changing experience, something no one could ever be prepared for. My life just had a mysterious turnaround, so many dreams yet to become a reality. I have not yet lived, then I stopped living.

I was in shock.

There were so many people ready to help me pick and sort through the pieces left by the ravaging storm. There were lots of suggestions about how to move on.

I heard a lot of real-life experiences to learn from, comforting words from the Bible, motivational words from those who had gone through same, almost same and those who were close to people with similar problems.

They had no idea, not really

But none of them could penetrate. They couldn’t give me what I needed, because even I didn’t know what I needed.

There was none of them who had actually gone through what I had been through.

They knew someone who knew someone who had been through a similar situation. I looked at them and concluded they could never understand.

And every time I tried to explain or let them into what I was really feeling they preach more, they suggest more when all I needed was just to express, so I started a blog.

I started a blog to express all I was feeling

I wrote about my fears, my pain, my loneliness, my hopelessness and hope. there were no comments, no sermon, no judgement and no urges to move on and leave the past in the past

I was free.

Writing set me free, it gave me the freedom to express myself without holding back. I was able to vent, rant, scream and cry without shame.

and then it healed me.

If healing is all writing could give to you, I think it is worth trying. It is worth doing.

And if freedom is the only thing writing could give to you, then do it.

Pick your pen and write your heart out. You might even help someone while helping yourself. And if you would like to be featured here, you can head to our Submission Page to share your story

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  1. It’s just like you took this from my head and put it in writing. I can really relate. Blogging is an escape for the raging thoughts and imaginations in my head.

    It was a pleasure reading this
    Well done Funke

  2. I love writing! Sometimes it’s much easier to jot your thoughts down than speak them out loud. Blogging is a great way to get your thoughts out and share with others at the same time!

    1. I agree with you, it’s easier tojot your thoughts down than to speak them out loud. I know because I write more than I speak.
      Blogging helps me say the things I can’t voice out.
      Thanks so much for visiting.

  3. Love your post. I definitely write some posts so I can express my experience rather than have it appeal to an audience. Being able to write is cathartic and helps me during the times I can’t have access to other forms of therapy.

  4. I love writing because it truly gives me freedom also. I’m glad I stuck with it.

  5. I love this. Once you start writing you find a whole community that will back you up. Writing for me is healing.

  6. It is so therapeutic to just let it all out. Reduces so much stress and anxiety! Well written!

  7. I love writing for this very reason. It’s a great way to collect your thoughts and release.

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